Projects We Support

Projects we support

Species around the world are under threat from habitat destruction, climate change and pollution.

Long term conservation projects

Hertfordshire Zoo holds the conservation of flora and fauna at its heart, whether in the rainforests of Africa or in the woodlands surrounding the Zoo itself.

Our animals are ambassadors for their wild cousins, therefore at the Zoo each animal or landscape has a supported long term conservation project.

We are proud to be supporting the following:

Short-Term Grants

Every year Hertfordshire Zoo has an open call to any conservation organisation any where in the world to apply for a £1000 grant.  This is for grass-root organisations working in range countries. The grant is a stepping stone for organisation to obtain data to apply for larger grants or demonstrate their capacity in managing funds. For more information, please click here.

The Peter Sampson Fund

Named after Hertfordshire Zoo founder, the Peter Sampson Fund is a wildlife emergency fund for conservation organisations effected by a natural disaster, disease outbreak or extreme weather. The £10,000 fund can be given to one project in need or several over the year totalling £10,000.

Native Species Membership

Hertfordshire Zoo is a proud member of over ten UK wildlife conservation organisations such as the Bumblebee Trust, Plant Heritage, Herts Bird Club and Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust.



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