In a remarkable rescue mission, The Big Cat Sanctuary and Hertfordshire Zoo successfully saved and rehomed 23 exotic cats from unsuitable conditions at The Cat Survival Trust. This effort ensured that the majority of these rare animals found safe new homes, though, tragically, five were humanely euthanised due to severe health issues.
The rescue mission was a collaborative effort involving multiple wildlife organisations:
Several other reputable sanctuaries also stepped forward to assist in the relocation of the rescued cats.
One of the last cats in need of a permanent home was Blob the bobcat. Initially left without a placement, he was given temporary refuge at Wildside Exotic Rescue while efforts continued to secure him a long-term sanctuary.
Among the most notable rescues was Rhys, a stunning Eurasian lynx, who has already begun settling into his new home at The Big Cat Sanctuary. Alongside Rhys, the sanctuary also welcomed:
For these incredible animals, this rescue marks the beginning of a new life, filled with expert care, enrichment, and safety.
“This rescue represents our unwavering commitment to protecting these magnificent cats and ensuring they receive the care they deserve,” said Cam Whitnall, Project Lead at The Big Cat Sanctuary. “Rhys the lynx and the other cats are finally getting a second chance at life, thanks to the tireless efforts of our teams and the support of our community.”