Here at Paradise Wildlife Park we have supported and worked alongside the Wildlife Alliance who rescued and rehabilitated Chhouk the elephant in Cambodia. Chhouk was an injured orphan baby who was rescued from the Srepok Wilderness Area in Mondulkiri in 2007 at the age of one and has since thrived at Phnom Tamao. He was found severely malnourished and had lost his front foot to a poacher’s snare with a dangerously infected wound.
Recently, we sent out Cameron Whitnall one of the hosts of One Zoo Three here at Paradise Wildlife Park to meet the team and to see how Chhouk is getting on. A video of Chhouk receiving a new prosthetic foot which needs to be replaced every six months as elephants grow until they are around 20 to 25 years old. With Chhouk who is now 17, there is much more room for him to grow. Chhouk’s prosthetic foot is designed and built by the Cambodian School of Prosthetics and Orthotics and made from recycled tires, plastics and foam for comfort. Nick Marx one of the directors of the Wildlife Alliance and keepers continues to use positive reinforcement to clean and change Chhouk’s foot when needed.
The viral video has already reached 3.7 million views and has raised an incredible amount of awareness and received thousands of comments and likes. Positive conservation conversations have started on the posts with messages of support and love for those dedicated to Chhouk. The use of the prosthetic foot has given Chhouk a life that wouldn’t have been previously possible and it is amazing to see him grow.
@camwhitnall The elephant with a prosthetic foot 🐘🦿 #learnontiktok #elephant #conservation #didyouknow #tiktokforgood
The viral video has raised an incredible amount of awareness and received thousands of comments and likes. Positive conservation conversations have started on the posts with messages of support and love for those dedicated to Chhouk. Paradise Wildlife Park continues to share the story of Chhouk and the dedication of the keepers at the Wildlife Rescue Alliance (WRA).