Home Educator Days

Home Educator Days

Hertfordshire Zoo are pleased to announce our brand-new Home Educator Days. Throughout the year we will be offering five designated Home Educator Days, where young people who are educated at home can come and enjoy Hertfordshire Zoo at our discounted education group booking rate. Those who are Hertfordshire Zoo membership holders can still attend these days for free, but still need to complete a booking form.

Each of the five days will have a set theme and attendees will receive an activity card to complete on their journey around the zoo. There will also be an opportunity to attend an education workshop on a first-come-first-served basis. The workshops will run three times a day at 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00 and will be focused on the theme of the day. Each of the workshops are run by our team of highly skilled and dedicated Zoo Educators and utilise multimedia resources alongside biofacts and 3D printed skulls.

The dates and themes are as follows:
25th October 2024 – Rainforests
26th November 2024 – Big Cats
15th January 2025 – Adaptations

5th March 2025 – Conservation
28th April 2025 – Native Species – SOLD OUT

Those who are attending the Home Educator Days are charged at the discounted group booking rate which is as follows:
Children under 2 – free of charge
Children 2 years and over – £10.90
Accompanying adults – £15

Booking information

– Each session has a maximum of 30 people inclusive of children attending, siblings and adults.

– Siblings are welcome to attend the education sessions but to ensure a positive learning environment, must not disrupt the workshop or may be asked to leave.

– Parents/carers must remain with their children at all times during the education sessions and across the park.

– No food or drink is allowed to be consumed in our education classroom ‘Base Camp’.

– Sessions are on a first come first served basis, if a session is full you are still able to enjoy the park at your leisure.

– Sessions will start promptly at the designated time and venue. We will be unable to welcome any late comers to the sessions.

– With the reduced booking rate, access to Tumble Jungle and Boulders Beach will not be possible during these days, for anyone attending the Home Educator Days.



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