Farewell to our Lar Gibbons

23 March 2022

Shany and Raff are off to a new home!

This month Paradise Wildlife Park will wave a fond farewell to our pair of Lar Gibbons: Shany and Raff, as they set off on their journey to their new home, as part of the Eaza Ex-situ Programme (EEP). 


Shany and Raff have been part of the Paradise family for many years and have often stolen the hearts of visitors and zookeepers here at the Park through their daily calls and tumbling acrobatics. Here at Paradise we are proud to be part of the EEP which is a governing body aimed at protecting and conserving the health and genetic pools of endangered species. The genetic diversity and the continuation of stable blood lines have become a large understanding in conservation needs, with the programme acting as a network amongst zoos and wildlife parks to ensure species protection.

Our animal moves team have made every decision with the Lar Gibbons at the forefront and every precaution has been taken to ensure both Shany and Raff have a comfortable journey to their new and exciting home.  This will open up an exciting opportunity for our current endangered Northern White Cheeked Gibbons who will have an extension of their habitat for more swinging and acrobatics as both habitat areas will be merged once our Lar Gibbons leave.

Even though this decision has been made with the best interest for our animals and for genetic protection of the species, it’s never easy to say farewell. Especially for our amazing Primate and Small Mammals team who have worked with them everyday and got to know their individual personalities. Raff was born here and the team has watched him grow and mature across the years. Both Shany and Raff will be missed immensely but we are equally excited to give both Shany and Raff their chance to help conserve and support the species further. 



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