As a zoo collection we know it is our duty to lead by example with sustainable lifestyles. In April 2018 we set up our Sustainability Committee, who have since been dedicated to improving the way we work at Hertfordshire Zoo. While our steps may seem small and steady, we hope that collectively they have great impact and are inspirational to all our visitors.
As a team of people dedicated to safeguarding the future for a variety of species around the world, it is our duty and passion to lead by example and set the way to a sustainable environment for all.
We will achieve this by ensuring all staff have a regard for the world around them and the species their actions can affect. We encourage healthy, sustainable lifestyles for our team and visitors, which will hopefully have a secondary behavioural impact in their day-to-day lives. This encouragement will come through education, compassion for our animals and through spreading our message across the site.
All members of Hertfordshire Zoo Sustainability Committee are passionate and dedicated to their role in improving the environmental impact our site has on the wider world. Find out who the team are, and what has driven them to take part: